ferris-ds 🎡

Design system for WBEZ.org

Version: 6.0.2

GitHub data updated: Jan 29, 2020


Components > Accent box

Accent box


What's in the video?

The video shows Van Dyke shooting McDonald.

The nearly seven-minute video, recorded on a police dashcam, mostly shows officers on their way to McDonald, who was suspected of breaking into trucks and slashing the tire of a police car. The final minutes show Van Dyke exit a police SUV and open fire within seconds. McDonald falls to the ground, bullets keep hitting him, and an officer eventually kicks away the knife in his hand. McDonald lies on the pavement and receives no immediate aid. The video has no audio.

HTML Example
<div class="c-accent-box c-prose question">
  <h2 class="question t-subhed -article">What's in the video?</h2>
  <p class="question-short-answer">
    The video shows Van Dyke shooting McDonald.
  <p class="question-long-answer collapse show" id="long-answer-1" style="">
    <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix2N6_jLAgA"
      >nearly seven-minute video</a
    >, recorded on a police dashcam, mostly shows officers on their way to
    McDonald, who was suspected of breaking into trucks and slashing the tire of
    a police car. The
      >final minutes</a
    >&nbsp;show Van Dyke exit a police SUV and open fire within seconds.
    McDonald falls to the ground, bullets keep hitting him, and an officer
    eventually kicks away the knife in his hand. McDonald lies on the pavement
    and receives no immediate aid. The video has no audio.
Components > Button


Buttons rely on color helpers for background and text color.

HTML Example
{% if className === '-circle' or className === '-circle-responsive' %}
<button class="c-button -circle -primary">
  <i class="c-icon c-button__inner t-size-m"
    ><svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#play"></use></svg

{% elif className === '-outline' %}
  class="c-button -circle -outline has-text-facebook has-bg-facebook has-text-hover-facebook l-align-center-children"
  <span class="c-button__inner c-icon">
    <svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#facebook"></use></svg>

{% else %}
<button class="c-button {{ className }}">Button</button>

{% endif %}

Sets border-color to transparent


Hover effect of outline

Components > Button overlay

Button overlay Legacy


HTML Example
<div class="c-button-overlay" style="width: 145px;">
  <a href="#" class="has-overlay-on-hover">
      alt="Widespread Hospitalizations, One Death In Illinois Prompt Investigation Into Vaping"
  <div class="c-button-overlay__inner">
    <button class="c-button -circle -primary t-size-s">
      <i class="c-icon c-button__inner t-size-b"
        ><svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#play"></use></svg

    <button class="c-button -circle t-size-s">
      <i class="c-icon c-button__inner t-size-xxs" style="color: currentColor;"
        ><svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#plus"></use></svg
Components > Calendar date

Calendar date

Todo: This should use the time element

HTML Example
<div class="c-calendar-date {{className}}">
  <div class="c-calendar-date__month">Sep</div>
  <div class="c-calendar-date__day">18</div>


Components > Caption


This is a block of text, which gives context to media.

Example image
Terra cotta details hint at the businesses that formerly occupied these spaces. Jason Marck/WBEZ
HTML Example
    class="d-block l-width-full"
    alt="Example image"
  <figcaption class="c-caption">
    Terra cotta details hint at the businesses that formerly occupied these
    <span class="c-caption__credit">Jason Marck/WBEZ</span>
Components > Content unit

Content unit Legacy


HTML Example
{% if className === '-skinny' %} 
{% set data = { 
  'headline': 'Widespread Hospitalizations, One Death In Illinois Prompt Investigation Into Vaping',
  'imageUrl': 'https://api.wbez.org/v2/images/3b0bf719-1b89-4a8e-9f5f-3918c47e16b8.jpg?width=145&height=145&mode=FILL&threshold=0',
  'datestamp': 'August 29, 2019', 'overline': 'Morning Shift'
} %} 
{% include './partials/_skinny.html' %}

{% elif className === '-tile' %}
{% set data = { 
  'headline': 'Teens Say Free CTA Rides On First Day Of School Are Not Enough',
  'imageUrl': 'https://api.wbez.org/v2/images/0afc1386-105b-48ea-87ec-889d6593a0a1.jpg?width=640&height=312&mode=FILL&threshold=0',
  'teaser': 'Chicago Public Schools students get free CTA rides on the first day of school. Students say they need the help year-round. ',
  'overline': 'Education',
  'datestamp': 'September 6, 2019' 
} %} 
{% include './partials/_tile.html' %}

{% elif className === '-row' %}
{% set data = {
  'overline': 'Morning Shift',
  'headline': 'What’s That Building? This Chicago Industrial Park Was The Nation’s First',
  'teaser': 'Today, these South Side buildings are mostly empty — but in the early 1900s they produced everything from tires to coffee.',
  'datestamp': 'September 6, 2019'
} %}
{% include './partials/_row.html' %}

{% elif className === '-row-featured' %}
{% set data = {
  'imageUrl': 'https://api.wbez.org/v2/images/60a26a31-a0ea-4025-817e-d243977fc7bb.jpg?width=120&height=120&mode=FILL&threshold=0',
  'overline': 'Morning Shift',
  'headline': 'What’s That Building? This Chicago Industrial Park Was The Nation’s First',
  'teaser': 'Today, these South Side buildings are mostly empty — but in the early 1900s they produced everything from tires to coffee.',
  'datestamp': 'September 6, 2019' 
} %}
{% include './partials/_row-featured.html' %}

{% elif className === '-event' %}
{% include './partials/_event.html' %}

{% else %}
{% set data = {
  'imageUrl': 'https://api.wbez.org/v2/images/60a26a31-a0ea-4025-817e-d243977fc7bb.jpg?width=640&height=312&mode=FILL&threshold=0',
  'overline': 'Morning Shift', 'headline': 'What’s That Building? This Chicago Industrial Park Was The Nation’s First',
  'teaser': 'Today, these South Side buildings are mostly empty — but in the early 1900s they produced everything from tires to coffee.',
  'datestamp': 'September 6, 2019' 
} %}
{% include './partials/_default.html' %}

{% endif %}






West Side Bureau Open House

West Side Bureau Open House

Wednesday, September 18 @ 4:00pm – 7:00pm at WBEZ West Side Bureau 2710 West Cermak 60608 Chicago, IL

We want to meet our Little Village neighbors! Come out and enjoy food, fun and local journalism! Meet reporters from the station and get a behind-the-scenes view of the journalism that powers WBEZ, Chicago's source for local and national news, talk and information. 



Components > Flyout


See W3C fly-out menu tutorial for an explanation of the implementation.

HTML Example
<div class="c-flyout">
    class="c-flyout__toggle c-button -round -primary t-size-s"
    <i class="c-icon t-size-s ml-xxxs">
      <svg aria-hidden="true">
        <use xlink:href="#rss"></use>
  <ul class="subscribe-links c-flyout__items has-bg-white p-tiny">
      <a href="#" class="c-button t-size-xs">
        Apple Podcasts
      <a href="#" class="c-button t-size-xs">
        RSS Link

  const flyoutItems = document.querySelectorAll('.c-flyout');

  Array.prototype.forEach.call(flyoutItems, function(el) {
    const btn = el.querySelector('.c-flyout__toggle');

    // toggle menu display on btn click
    btn.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
      const expanded = btn.getAttribute('aria-expanded');

      if (expanded === 'true') btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
      else btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true');

    // hide submenu if focus leaves flyout menu
    el.addEventListener('focusout', e => {
      if (!el.contains(e.relatedTarget))
        btn.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
Components > Hero


A hero banner. Combine with l-full.


  • c-hero__backdrop
  • c-hero__body
  • c-hero__copy

Criminal Justice

HTML Example
<div class="c-hero {{ className }}">
  <div class="l-container">
    <h1 class="c-hero__copy t-headline t-align-center">
      Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice

Blur the backdrop


Criminal Justice

At least as tall as the page


Criminal Justice

At least as tall as the page minus $navbar-height

Components > Icon


SVG icon class. Icons will take the size of parent font-size. Default fill is yellow with a helper for white, teal, and gray icons.

Words next to the icon!
HTML Example
<span class="c-icon {{ className }}">
  <svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#search"></use></svg>
Words next to the icon!
Words next to the icon!

Forces a the vertical alignment to the baseline of the font.

Components > List


Our standard list is just plain ol' bullets. Children can be either <li> elements or have the class .c-list__item.

  • Bacon
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Potato
HTML Example
<ul class="c-list {{className}}">
  • Bacon
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Potato

  • Bacon
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Potato

To display the list inline

  • Bacon
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Potato

To display the list inline, with bullet separators

Components > Mini form

Mini form

A text input adjacent to a button/submit input.

  • First validation error
  • Second validation error
HTML Example
<form class="c-mini-form">
  <div class="c-mini-form__input">
    <div class="c-text-input">
        placeholder="Your email address"
        aria-label="email address to link"
        class="c-text-input__input is-invalid d-block l-width-full has-text-gray-dark mb-xxxs"
      <label class="c-text-input__label" for="email">Your email address</label>
        <li class="has-text-error mb-xxxs t-size-xs">
          First validation error
        <li class="has-text-error t-size-xs">Second validation error</li>
  <div class="c-mini-form__submit">
      class="c-button -round t-size-s l-width-full d-block"
Components > Pagination


A pagination nav. See A11y Style Guide for accessibility considerations.

HTML Example
<nav aria-label="pagination" class="c-pagination">
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    text="← First"
    aria-label="First page"
    title="First page"
    >← First</a
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    aria-label="Previous page"
    title="Previous page"
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    aria-label="Page 1"
    title="Page 1"
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    aria-label="Page 2"
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    aria-label="Page 3"
    title="Page 3"
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    aria-label="Page 4"
    title="Page 4"
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    aria-label="Next page"
    title="Next page"
    class="c-pagination__link c-button -no-border t-size-s"
    text="Last →"
    aria-label="Last page"
    title="Last page"
    >Last →</a
Components > Prose


Story bodies are a special component because we have limited control over the class names within them. We must deviate from BEM and create catch-all tag selectors to allow the greatest flexibility of the markup.


Our editor outputs blocks of texts with paragraph tags.

Helper classes needed

Note that we also sprinkle in sibling helper classes with story-body. For example, the t-linkstyle helper gives us the ability to style links like this.

Horizontal Rules

Use a horizontal rule to break up content. A horizontal rule is displayed below.

The hr tag has built in top and bottom margin. We do this because it's normally used as a spacing element and the need for cushion is assumed.


Heading 2

Heading 3 - Default

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Plugins are special and have their own rules for positioning. A div without the plugin class will still align with the story text, but any div prefixed with "c-plugin" will be excluded from the max-width and margin declaration the other elements adhere to.

Example of plugin. Should be not be bound by container.
Example of ad plugin. Should be not be bound by container


This is a standard paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

"This is a blockquote. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl."

This is a standard paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Unordered List (paragraphs)

  • The first rule sets a sitewide font and a baseline font size of 10px. These are inherited by everything on the page.

  • Rules 2 and 3 set relative font sizes for the headings, different list types (the children of the list elements inherit these), and paragraphs. This means that each paragraph and list will have the same font size and top and bottom spacing, helping to keep the vertical rhythm consistent.

  • Rule 4 sets the same line-height on the paragraphs and list items — so the paragraphs and each individual list item will have the same spacing between lines. This will also help to keep the vertical rhythm consistent.

    Rules 5 and 6 apply to the description list — we set the same line-height on the description list terms and descriptions as we did with the paragraphs and list items. Again, consistency is good! We also make the description terms have bold font, so they visually stand out easier.

This is a standard paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.


A placeholder figure image.
The figcaption element example


The summary element example

The details example text. It may be styled differently based on what browser or operating system you are using.

Text Elements

The a element and external a element examples

The abbr element and an abbr element with title examples

The ACRONYM element example

The b element example

The cite element example

The code element example

The data element example

The del element example

The dfn element and dfn element with title examples

The em element example

The i element example

The ins element example

The kbd element example

The mark element example

The q element example

The q element inside a q element example

The s element example

The samp element example

The small element example

The span element example

The strong element example

The sub element example

The sup element example

The example

The u element example

The var element example

Monospace / Preformatted

Code block wrapped in "pre" and "code" tags

// Loop through Divs using Javascript.
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div'), i;

for (i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) {
  divs[i].style.color = "green";

Monospace Text wrapped in "pre" tags

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl.

List Types

Ordered List

  1. List Item 1
  2. List Item 2
  3. List Item 3
    1. List Item 3.1
    2. List Item 3.2
      1. List Item 3.2.1
      2. List Item 3.2.2
    3. List Item 3.3
  4. List Item 4

Unordered List

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
    • List Item 3.1
    • List Item 3.2
      • List Item 3.2.1
      • List Item 3.2.2
    • List Item 3.3
  • List Item 4
HTML Example
<section class="c-prose -story">
  <p>Our editor outputs blocks of texts with paragraph tags.</p>
  <h3>Helper classes needed</h3>
    Note that we also sprinkle in sibling helper classes with story-body. For
    example, the t-linkstyle helper gives us the ability to style
    <a href="#">links like this.</a>
  <h3>Horizontal Rules</h3>
    Use a horizontal rule to break up content. A horizontal rule is displayed
  <hr />
    The hr tag has built in top and bottom margin. We do this because it's
    normally used as a spacing element and the need for cushion is assumed.
  <h2>Heading 2</h2>
  <h3>Heading 3 - Default</h3>
  <h4>Heading 4</h4>
  <h5>Heading 5</h5>
  <h6>Heading 6</h6>
    Plugins are special and have their own rules for positioning. A div without
    the plugin class will still align with the story text, but any div prefixed
    with "c-plugin" will be excluded from the max-width and margin declaration
    the other elements adhere to.
  <div class="c-plugin p-b has-bg-gray-light">
    Example of plugin. Should be not be bound by container.
  <div class="c-plugin-ad p-b has-bg-gray-light">
    Example of ad plugin. Should be not be bound by container
  <h2 id="blockquote">Blockquote</h2>
    This is a standard paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
    adipiscing elit.
    "<strong>This is a blockquote.</strong> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque
    aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem.
    Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl."
    This is a standard paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
    adipiscing elit.

  <h2 id="unordered-list-paragraphs">Unordered List (paragraphs)</h2>

        The first rule sets a sitewide font and a baseline font size of 10px.
        These are inherited by everything on the page.
        Rules 2 and 3 set relative font sizes for the headings, different list
        types (the children of the list elements inherit these), and paragraphs.
        This means that each paragraph and list will have the same font size and
        top and bottom spacing, helping to keep the vertical rhythm consistent.
        Rule 4 sets the same line-height on the paragraphs and list items — so
        the paragraphs and each individual list item will have the same spacing
        between lines. This will also help to keep the vertical rhythm
        Rules 5 and 6 apply to the description list — we set the same
        line-height on the description list terms and descriptions as we did
        with the paragraphs and list items. Again, consistency is good! We also
        make the description terms have bold font, so they visually stand out
    This is a standard paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
    adipiscing elit.

  <h2 id="figure-caption">Figure-Caption</h2>

    <img src="https://placehold.it/350x150" alt="A placeholder figure image." />
    <figcaption>The figcaption element example</figcaption>

  <h2 id="details-summary">Details-Summary</h2>

    <summary>The summary element example</summary>
      The details example text. It may be styled differently based on what
      browser or operating system you are using.

  <hr />

  <h1 id="text-elements">Text Elements</h1>

    The <a href="#">a element</a> and
    <a href="https://example.com" target="_blank">external a element</a>
    The <abbr>abbr element</abbr> and an
    <abbr title="Abbreviation">abbr</abbr> element with title examples
    <acronym title="A Cowboy Ran One New York Marathon">ACRONYM</acronym>
    element example
  <p>The <b>b element</b> example</p>
  <p>The <cite>cite element</cite> example</p>
  <p>The <code>code element</code> example</p>
  <p>The <data value="3967381398">data element</data> example</p>
  <p>The <del>del element</del> example</p>
    The <dfn>dfn element</dfn> and
    <dfn title="Title text">dfn element with title</dfn> examples
  <p>The <em>em element</em> example</p>
  <p>The <i>i element</i> example</p>
  <p>The <ins>ins element</ins> example</p>
  <p>The <kbd>kbd element</kbd> example</p>
  <p>The <mark>mark element</mark> example</p>
  <p>The <q>q element</q> example</p>
    The <q>q element <q>inside</q> a q element</q> example
  <p>The <s>s element</s> example</p>
  <p>The <samp>samp element</samp> example</p>
  <p>The <small>small element</small> example</p>
  <p>The <span>span element</span> example</p>
  <p>The <strong>strong element</strong> example</p>
  <p>The <sub>sub element</sub> example</p>
  <p>The <sup>sup element</sup> example</p>
  <p>The <time datetime="2005-05-15 19:00">time element</time> example</p>
  <p>The <u>u element</u> example</p>
  <p>The <var>var element</var> example</p>

  <hr />

  <h1 id="monospace">Monospace / Preformatted</h1>
  <p>Code block wrapped in "pre" and "code" tags</p>
  <pre><code>// Loop through Divs using Javascript.
var divs = document.querySelectorAll('div'), i;

for (i = 0; i < divs.length; ++i) {
  divs[i].style.color = "green";
  <p>Monospace Text wrapped in "pre" tags</p>
  <pre><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl.</p></pre>

  <hr />

  <h1 id="list-types">List Types</h1>

  <h2 id="ordered-list">Ordered List</h2>
    <li>List Item 1</li>
    <li>List Item 2</li>
      List Item 3
        <li>List Item 3.1</li>
          List Item 3.2
            <li>List Item 3.2.1</li>
            <li>List Item 3.2.2</li>
        <li>List Item 3.3</li>
    <li>List Item 4</li>

  <h2 id="unordered-list">Unordered List</h2>
    <li>List Item 1</li>
    <li>List Item 2</li>
      List Item 3
        <li>List Item 3.1</li>
          List Item 3.2
            <li>List Item 3.2.1</li>
            <li>List Item 3.2.2</li>
        <li>List Item 3.3</li>
    <li>List Item 4</li>
Components > Rubric


aka the kicker


  • c-rubric__item
HTML Example
<div class="c-rubric {{ className }} t-links -subtle">
  <ul class="c-rubric__wrap t-ellipsis">
    <li class="c-rubric__item -topic">
      <a href="#">
        Government &amp; Politics
    <li class="c-rubric__item -show">
      <a href="#">
        <i class="c-icon t-size-xxs">
          <svg aria-hidden="true">
            <use xlink:href="#rss"></use>

Hide everything except the first element

Components > Share bar

Share bar

Social share buttons.

HTML Example
<div class="c-share-bar {{ className }}">
    class="c-button -circle -outline has-text-gray has-bg-gray has-text-hover-gray"
    href="mailto:?to=&amp;subject=What%E2%80%99s%20That%20Building%3F%20Chicago's%20Central%20Manufacturing%20District&amp;body=I found this on WBEZ.org and wanted to share it with you. https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wbez.org%2Fshows%2Fmorning-shift%2Fwhats-that-building-chicagos-central-manufacturing-district%2F3bbcba2b-6c2f-4e43-8c1e-7f5ee4647f00%3Futm_source%3Demail%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_campaign%3DWeb-Share"
    <i class="c-icon c-button__inner">
      <svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#envelope"></use></svg>
    class="c-button -circle -outline has-text-facebook has-bg-facebook has-text-hover-facebook"
    <i class="c-icon c-button__inner">
      <svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#facebook"></use></svg>
    class="c-button -circle -outline has-text-twitter has-bg-twitter has-text-hover-twitter"
    <i class="c-icon c-button__inner">
      <svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#twitter"></use></svg>
    class="c-button -circle -outline has-text-red has-bg-red has-text-hover-red"
    <i class="c-icon c-button__inner">
      <svg aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#link"></use></svg>
Components > Splash background

Splash background

HTML Example
<div class="c-splash-background" style="width: 100%; height: 200px;"></div>
Components > Table


He-Man and Skeletor facts
Items Expenditure
Donuts 3,000
Stationery 18,000
Totals 21,000
HTML Example
<table class="c-table">
    He-Man and Skeletor facts
      <th scope="col">Expenditure</th>
      <th scope="row">Donuts</th>
      <th scope="row">Stationery</th>
      <th scope="row">Totals</th>
Components > Text input

Text input

Wrap input and label in a div with class .c-text-input for an animated label, similar to Google.

Override the small label color by setting the color for .c-text-input.


Invalid state example

  • First validation error
  • Second validation error
HTML Example
<div class="c-text-input" style="margin-top: 10px;">
    placeholder="Your email address"
  <label class="c-text-input__label" for="email">Your email address</label>

<div class="c-text-input" style="margin-top: 30px; color: blue; height: 50px;">
    placeholder="Your email address"
  <label class="c-text-input__label" for="email">Your email address</label>

<h3 class="mb-m mt-l">
  Invalid state example
<div class="c-text-input">
    placeholder="First name"
    value="Cosmo Kramer"
    class="c-text-input__input is-invalid"
  <label for="firstName" class="c-text-input__label"> First name </label>
  <li class="has-text-error mb-xxxs t-size-xs">
    First validation error
  <li class="has-text-error t-size-xs">Second validation error</li>