ferris-ds 🎡

Design system for WBEZ.org

Version: 6.0.2

GitHub data updated: Jan 29, 2020


Helper overrides for various utilities. V2 will use prefixes of .l-, .has-, .is-

Utilities > Background color

Background color

Set the background-color of an element.


black background color


black-off background color


white background color


white off background color


gray background color


gray-light background color


gray-dark background color


red background color


red dark background color


error background color


success background color


facebook background color


twitter background color


instagram background color


youtube background color


feedburner background color


currentColor background color

Utilities > Background color:hover

Background color:hover

Set the background-color of an element.

Hover me

black background color

Hover me

black-off background color

Hover me

white background color

Hover me

white off background color

Hover me

gray background color

Hover me

gray-light background color

Hover me

gray-dark background color

Hover me

red background color

Hover me

red dark background color

Hover me

error background color

Hover me

success background color

Hover me

facebook background color

Hover me

twitter background color

Hover me

instagram background color

Hover me

youtube background color

Hover me

feedburner background color

Hover me

currentColor background color

Utilities > Box shadow

Box shadow

Add a thin, blurred box shadow to any element

HTML Example
<button class="c-button has-bg-white has-box-shadow">I am a button</button>
Utilities > Display


Todo: Display this page as a table.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Utilities > Hairline

Hairline Experimental

Experimental: Accent element for adding separation to text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Adds hairline top

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Adds hairline right

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Adds hairline bottom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Adds hairline left

Utilities > Hidden


Contain !important flags to override other display rules.


Hide always

is-hidden-print: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from print previews

is-hidden-from-bp-xs: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-xs onward

is-hidden-from-bp-s: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-s onward

is-hidden-from-bp-m: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-m onward

is-hidden-from-bp-l: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-l onward

is-hidden-from-bp-xl: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-xl onward

is-hidden-from-bp-xxl: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-xxl onward

is-hidden-from-bp-default: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide from bp-default onward

is-hidden-until-bp-xs: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-xs

is-hidden-until-bp-s: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-s

is-hidden-until-bp-m: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-m

is-hidden-until-bp-l: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-l

is-hidden-until-bp-xl: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-xl

is-hidden-until-bp-xxl: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-xxl

is-hidden-until-bp-default: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Hide until bp-default

is-transparent: Resize to see me appear/disappear

Removes opacity. (Use this to fade elements out.)

Utilities > Notch


Accent element for adding separation to text.

HTML Example
<div class="has-notch {{ className }} has-bg-red"></div>

Shorter in width and height


Shorter in height. Used in footer


Stretches to full width


Stretches to 100px


Centers the notch

Utilities > Notch


Accent element for adding separation to text, applied via pseudoelement.

HTML Example
<div class="has-notch-before {{ className }}"></div>

Shorter in width and height


Shorter in height. Used in footer


Stretches to full width


Stretches to 100px


Centers the notch

Utilities > Spacing


Shorthand margin and padding utility classes, based on Bootstrap's spacing utilities. The classes are named using the format .{property}{sides}-{size}.

Where property is one of:

  • m - for classes that set margin
  • p - for classes that set padding

Where sides is one of:

  • blank - set margin or padding on all 4 sides
  • x - set both *-left and *-right
  • y - set both *-top and *-bottom
  • t - set *-top
  • b - set *-bottom
  • r - set *-right
  • l - set *-left

Where size is one of our size units.

Some illustrative examples:

.mt-0 {
  margin-top: 0;
.mx-xs {
  margin-left: $size-xs;
  margin-right: $size-xs;
.p-giant {
  padding: $size-giant;

Additionally, we include an .mx-auto class, which is the same as margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;.

Utilities > Text color

Text color

Set the color of text.



black text color



black-off text color



white off text color



gray-light text color



gray-dark text color



red text color



red dark text color



error text color



success text color



facebook text color



twitter text color



instagram text color



youtube text color



feedburner text color



currentColor text color

Utilities > Text color:hover

Text color:hover

Set the color of text on hover.


Hover me

black text color


Hover me

black-off text color


Hover me

white text color


Hover me

white off text color


Hover me

gray text color


Hover me

gray-light text color


Hover me

gray-dark text color


Hover me

red text color


Hover me

red dark text color


Hover me

error text color


Hover me

success text color


Hover me

facebook text color


Hover me

twitter text color


Hover me

instagram text color


Hover me

youtube text color


Hover me

feedburner text color


Hover me

currentColor text color

Utilities > Vertical bar

Vertical bar

Accent element for distinguishing a block of text. Used on story summaries, pullquotes, and membership CTA.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores incidunt vel rerum deserunt debitis voluptas, omnis dignissimos, doloribus saepe quae itaque! Consequuntur et eveniet fugit in veritatis quos ver incidunt.

HTML Example
<p class="has-vert-bar {{ className }} has-text-yellow"><span class="has-text-gray-dark">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores incidunt vel rerum deserunt debitis voluptas, omnis dignissimos, doloribus saepe quae itaque! Consequuntur et eveniet fugit in veritatis quos ver incidunt.</span></p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores incidunt vel rerum deserunt debitis voluptas, omnis dignissimos, doloribus saepe quae itaque! Consequuntur et eveniet fugit in veritatis quos ver incidunt.

Used in membership CTA callout on stories


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores incidunt vel rerum deserunt debitis voluptas, omnis dignissimos, doloribus saepe quae itaque! Consequuntur et eveniet fugit in veritatis quos ver incidunt.

Used in pullquotes


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores incidunt vel rerum deserunt debitis voluptas, omnis dignissimos, doloribus saepe quae itaque! Consequuntur et eveniet fugit in veritatis quos ver incidunt.

Used in membership CTA callout on stories


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dolores incidunt vel rerum deserunt debitis voluptas, omnis dignissimos, doloribus saepe quae itaque! Consequuntur et eveniet fugit in veritatis quos ver incidunt.

Resets styling on mobile